Specialist Classes


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Specialist Classes to support you where you are.

Pregnancy Yoga

Pregnancy Yoga - is a specialist yoga class to assist your body in cultivating strength, flexibility and breath awareness, adapting to the many changes that pregnancy brings about, to focus on your baby, and to prepare you mentally, physically and emotionally for labour birth and afterwards. Classes can be attended after 12th week of pregnancy or first scan.

Mondays 11.15am

Tuesdays 4.45pm

Sundays 11am

Pregnancy Pilates

Pregnancy Pilates - a specialist Pilates class to prepare for birth and recovery afterwards. This class improves muscle tone, giving better support to your abdomen, and helps create or maintain flexibility in your spine and joints, easing aches and pains. Pilates is also a great way to relax! Classes can be attended after 12th week of pregnancy.

Thursdays 11.45am

Baby Massage

These classes are developed by Alice Lim, who has been teaching baby massage for almost 20 years, to help you to support and comfort your baby at all stages of development, laydown strong foundations in the first year and giving your baby the best start in life.

Developmental Baby Massage works with the muscles and joints to achieve all the benefits of orthodox massage while helping a baby to fulfil her structural, physiological, and emotional potential at each stage of development from birth to standing. Always bearing in mind that all babies develop at their own pace.

Thursdays 11am - 12.15pm

Mum & Baby Yoga

Specialist class to allow you to nurture yourself post birth while you are with your baby. This class will help bring a sense of well-being, alleviate aches and pains, combat fatigue and re-tone muscles. Classes can be attended 6 weeks after giving birth until babies start crawling.

Tuesdays 11.15am - 12.30pm

Yoga for Calm & Stress Relief

Yoga for Calm & Stress Relief - this class will focus on the body, the mind and the breath using yoga, breathwork, meditation techniques and mindfulness to help relieve stress and anxiety.

Mondays 4pm & Wednesdays 4pm

Somatic & Transformational Breath and Meditation

Somatic & Transformational Breath and Meditation - this somatic 'hands on' healing class and breath with meditation is designed to release trauma, subconscious negative thought patterns & emotional blockages so that you can come into a deeper clarity, increased vitality and feel more in touch with the essence of who you are. The breath is transformational and healing, bringing up repressed emotion and any stuckness in the system. Somatic rewires your thought patterns and the nervous system.

Using a subtle somatic touch, this creates a safe container and healing space so the client can feel held and the trauma can come into awareness and consequently felt & released. The meditation seals the class to cleanse chakras and reset light bodies. We work with intention.

Sundays 2pm - 3.15pm

Yoga for Back Care

Yoga for Back Care - Yoga for Back Care is a specialist group class for anyone seeking to improve their spinal health. If you have neck or low back aches & strains, are sitting too much or need a class with a therapeutic focus - this is the class for you. YBC is a gentle yet powerful class incorporating focused movement, breathing & relaxation technique - all essential for good back health. All are welcome, including complete beginners, but if you are in an active episode of pain, then please contact Anji in advance anji@backcarefoundation.com

Tuesdays 7.30pm - online