The Top 5 Reasons We Keep Returning to the Studio

Dear Community,
Both December and January were busier than expected here, fuelling the rumour that yoga ‘in person’ is back!
And lately, we’ve been researching our whole community to design what comes next in our own journey as a studio, and for our training business Yogacampus as well.
But today we want to share five thoughts of our own, about what is bringing people back.
1. Time away from digital.
Doing online yoga is great, however, in an online class, we still can’t escape the dreaded screens and accompanying messages and alerts and associations that come with our digital life. For many of us, digital use can continue right up until we hit the mat for our practice, and begin again the second savasana is over. While doing classes recently, we’ve noticed the palpable sense of freedom and expansion we get from switching our devices off and doing yoga in person, with our teachers and fellow practitioners, for the duration of our non-digital classes. Enjoy what they call ‘going dark’ for the duration of your class… but which we think is much more about opening back up to the light.
2. New airflow system at the studio.
The Life Centre now has five industrial-strength air purifiers functioning throughout the building - in both studios, both treatment rooms, and reception as well. We know many of you, and all of us, are more health and wellbeing conscious than ever, and for that reason, we invested in these airflow units to improve the ventilation throughout our space and help to give you peace of mind… and hopefully tempt some of you back off the fence and into in-person practice again!
3. A third space (or is that second?!)
Gyms and yoga studios have often been called ‘third spaces’ - a place that’s in addition to home and work in your life. But for many of us still working at home, those three spaces have become one space over the past two years - and that looks set to continue in some format as companies adjust expectations about attendance and relax rules about WFH. In which case, we want The Life Centre to be your second space! A place where you have time and inner space, to practice and reconnect to the part of you that thinks more deeply… whether you have one, two, or three spaces that are specifically for you and your life, we’d love to welcome you back soon and be a part of the spaces you value and love.
4. Ambience and new culture
At The Life Centre and Yogacampus, we have a new management team and a new schedule of classes - designed to cater for both a new group of clients who are finding their way to us, as well as meeting the needs of our core group of practitioners - London’s original yoga community who keep coming back for more. We are also still noticing the impact of walking into the centre after being closed for such a long time - the sights, the silence, and the smells of a place that was designed for healing. We hope to see you soon so you can once more experience this ambience and culture for yourself and remember the positive impact on your nervous system, of having these things in your everyday life.
5. Arriving and departing is back!
Whatever people say about zoom yoga, the process of ‘logging on’ and ‘hanging up’ will never replace the ways a yoga, Pilates, or meditation class starts and finishes. Arriving at the studio, seeing a friend or pausing with another practitioner for a refreshing glass of water or a tea before class… and then checking in with your teacher or classmates as your class or workshop finishes, these are precious moments that enhance the wellbeing we get from psycho-social integration in person and make visiting the studio into a special experience. We believe this also extends to your walk or journey to the studio, and the way this can put much-needed ‘full stops’ into your schedule… and reduce the at times monotonous experience of ‘Groundhog Day’ that has been a feature of the past few years for so many.
We hope these make sense to you as they do to us and we’d like to make this offer to those of you that haven’t come back to the centre yet, since the restrictions eased up.
We are offering returning clients a special deal in February:
Claim 40% off class passes if you’ve not visited the centre for over three months -
Promo code: comeback
We are still doing yoga online, both personally and in terms of offering an online schedule of classes.
And we hope that online yoga is here to stay for so many reasons. And while we want to see online yoga prosper, we also believe that this will mean more yoga in person at the studio… and more emphasis on making the studio a healing destination that is an important part of your life and schedule.
It’s down to us to make the studio into a great user experience for you all - and we believe that is what we’re doing for you every day at TLC.
We hope to see you again soon!
With love,
The Team at The Life Centre