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Adrian Kowal
Adrian is passionate about the wellbeing of the whole. He is a social entrepreneur and community builder. Adrian deeply enjoys supporting the balance in people’s personal holistic well-being, working with men’s groups and also guiding adventures and expeditions. Adrian co-founded and ran Evolve Wellness, a centre for growth and wellbeing in London, which he created over 10 years ago and has recently teamed up with The Life Centre. He has deep knowledge of both urban and nature-based wellness practices. He is also the co-founder of Way of Nature and The Visionaries.
Contact details
Website : https://wayofnature.co.uk/

Alexa Dean
Alexa was born in Argentina but she has been living in London since 2001. She cares deeply about feminine wisdom, women’s wellbeing, and the mysteries of being a woman. Birth work is not just my job, it’s my vocation. Alexa has almost a decade’s worth of experience as a Birth Doula, Pregnancy & Postnatal Yoga Teacher, Massage Therapist, and Hypnobirthing Childbirth Educator.
On the way, she has been extremely fortunate to learn from some amazing people from countries and cultures all over the world. But nothing has taught her more than childbirth itself and the incredible women she serve. Alexa has been present at over 100 births and she is continuously in awe of the beauty and brilliance of birth, and the many amazing, unique ways it unfolds for each individual person.
Contact details
Website : https://alexadean.co.uk/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/alexadeanholistic/

Amanda Wright
Amanda came to yoga in 2001 after being involved in a serious motorbike accident, she had been suffering from whiplash and other side effects for 2 years. Her first yoga class was an amazing experience and helped ease her injuries, and has been practicing yoga ever since. When she asked about yoga teacher training her teacher suggested she did her ITEC Massage Diploma first which she did and passed, so she then continued onto do her teacher training.
Amanda is authorised to teach through and is registered with Yoga Alliance. She did a 200 hour Yoga Alliance teacher training in 2004 and a 300 hour in 2005 both with Yoga Arts, although it was not until a Yoga teacher training with Sarah Powers in 2006 that Amanda felt ready to teach. Amanda is an enthusiastic and devoted yoga practitioner and an experienced and qualified teacher.
She loves to teach bringing a lightness to her classes, making them an enjoyable but learned experience. Her study is ongoing, she partakes in at least one residential Yoga or Meditation retreat a year, and continues to further her own knowledge and study of yoga with teachers of various traditions as well as having a self-practice.
Amanda teaches the following yoga styles: Dynamic Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga and Astanga Yoga.
Contact details
Website : http://www.awrightyoga.co.uk/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/awrightyoga/

Amy Slevin
Amy started teaching yoga in 2013 after qualifying as an osteopath.
She has a vast movement background having trained in dance, parkour, handstands and more. She brings knowledge and movements from all these disciplines into her classes which are playful, light-hearted and creative. Amy believes that variety is fundamental to a healthy body so you will explore new ways to do familiar movements. Her classes will keep you on your toes, both physically and mentally. If you enjoy the odd challenge and like to work hard, you’ll love Amy’s classes. Prepare to do things you never thought you could do and laugh in the process!
Contact details
Website : https://www.amyslevin.com

Angie Hsu
Angie believes in the power of the individual to grow, love and transform. She experienced this firsthand when she committed to her yoga practice and uncovered her passion for health and wellbeing.
A native New Yorker, Angie studied ISHTA yoga under the guidance of teachers Yogiraj Alan Finger, Jean Koerner and Peter Ferko. She has taught at studios around Manhattan since 2008 to a diverse group of yogis. Angie's teaching style is vinyasa flow with attention to alignment, breath and meditation.
Angie is a veteran of the fashion industry and holds an economics degree from the University of Pennsylvania. She gives thanks to all the wonderful teachers in her life, especially her students.
Contact details

Ania Sanzhar
Ania is an experienced fitness and wellness professional who specialises in Pilates, Yoga, Pranayama breathing techniques and Meditation. Her deep knowledge and understanding of complex human physiology is drawn from her education. She got her Master’s in Exercise & Sport Science from the University of North Carolina and to further deepen her understanding of body and mind connection she went on to India to train as a Yoga teacher.
Her passion for movement is contagious and encouraging. Ania loves to help people and to make a real difference to their lives. This drives her on a continuous journey of self-improvement and learning, exploring and sharing. Her work has been described by her clients as ‘life-changing’ and ‘transformational’.
Contact details

Anna Taylor
Anna Taylor is a Yoga Teacher, Yoga Therapist and Mindfulness & Compassion Instructor based in north London. Since starting teaching in 2008 she has trained under a variety of traditions. Now, weaving mindfulness and compassion throughout her teaching, she focusses on offering Slow Flow, Gentle, Restorative and Yin Yoga.
Anna believes passionately that yoga and meditation are for everyone and holds a space with warmth and care to ensure that people can access these powerful practices at their own pace regardless of their level of experience.
Contact details
Website : https://www.mindbodybalance.co.uk/about-anna
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/anna_mindfulyoga/

Anne Malone
“Anne is an extraordinary sound explorer and.
Her musical journeys on the Hang are incredible
soundscapes for the yoga of life.” Shiva Rea
As a musician and a student of yoga, Anne has a deep
understanding of how music and movement flow and
unfold with ease and grace, creating a wonderful world of
Sacred Sound.
Annes love of yoga and meditation has added depth of devotion and physical awareness throughout her journey, and by combining her training in Sacred Sound: (Chris James/ SoundsWonderful), The Journey (Brandon Bays) and Shamanic Ceremony (Annie Spencer/Hart Lodge) with her Prana Flow training with Shiva Rea, she offers a unique yogic musical exploration ... and has been privileged to share musical journeys with Shiva Rea over many joyful years.
Her passion for music has taken her on a journey of sound from the vibrant music of Dublin in Ireland to the exotic rhythms of Latin America, the eclectic sounds of USA and the rich folk traditions of Europe. With a wealth of recorded music, a nomination for an NME
Award and iTunes top 10 chart, Anne"s love of
SoundScapes allows her to share her internal sound
world, and is especially honoured to be a featured artist
with YogiTunes.
Annes pioneering Sacred Sound Trainings have grown
over past 10 years, and now partners with Yogacampus,
The Life Centre, Shiva Rea PranaFlow, Mind Body
Spirit, Ministry of Sound and numerous Retreat Centres
and Corporate Companies sharing the magic of Sound
Healing and Mantra.
"Oasis of Sound is the perfect counterpoint to the stresses and hassle of living in a major city. The music is sublime, played on an assortment of instruments and Anne"s stunning voice transports the room to a haven of tranquility. Sound actually becomes physical when Anne places a singing bowl on various areas of the body, its vibrations coursing through every cell. I can honestly say it"s one of the highlights of my week." Michael Reece, London Artist
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anne_malone_oasis
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anne.malone8
Spotify: https://artists.spotify.com Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/ann-malone
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnnieHang
Contact details
Website : https://www.oasisofsound.com/

Ayanna Prevatt-Goldstein
Ayanna’s teaches a strong slow vinyasa practice, combining a love of movement with an appreciation of healthy alignment, and combining a creative flow with an understanding of the richness of classical traditions. She works with people of all ages and stages of experience and seeks to create a safe and welcoming space in which they can explore, enjoy and question the yoga tradition, challenge themselves and develop a sense of body-mind awareness.
Ayanna has been teaching since 2008 and holds British Wheel of Yoga and Yoga Alliance accreditation, and recently completed a yoga therapy diploma with Yogacampus, accredited by the British Council of Yoga Therapy. She is increasingly interested in how yoga can support health, sustaining body and mind, and integrates this into her teaching.
Contact details

Carola Chiarpenello
Carola is an experienced yoga teacher, yoga therapist, neuroscientist and thai yoga masseuse. She has a wealth of experience working with private clients with diverse ailments and conditions, from neurological to mental health. She is completing a PhD at King's College London studying the psychoneuroimmunology of yoga nidra in chronic stress and depression.
Contact details

Catriona Brokenshire
My love affair with yoga began when I was 15 years old. Being a keen gymnast as a child, I remember the day I picked up a book on yoga and started playing around with the poses. Little did I know then that yoga would become a lifelong practice and change the way I perceived myself and the world.
I fell into teaching yoga in my late 30s, almost by chance as it seemed then, by agreeing to cover a few classes for a friend.
Realising there was nothing else I wanted to do more than continue practising and teaching yoga, I went on to formally train with the British Wheel of Yoga and Yoga Alliance. I was asked to teach my first class at The Life Centre in 1995, and have been there ever since. I also taught at Triyoga for several years. In 2004, I helped set up YogaCampus, TLCs teacher training course, and remain today a board member and part of the teaching faculty. I have a particular interest in the power of breathing practices for everyone, whatever their age, condition or experience of yoga.
Travelling and studying extensively in India has deepened my experience of how yoga touches all aspects of human life and aspiration. My teaching style is eclectic and encourages the idea that practising yoga is nothing to do with the way we look, but the way we feel. I believe that yoga is not just about postures on a mat but teaches us everything about life, about cultivating kindness and gratitude, and finding joy and balance in everything we do.
Contact details

Charli Livingstone
When you practice with me you can expect a strong yet soulful breath-led flow. I find this an effective way to expand and deepen awareness, as well as to build strength and flexibility. I take inspiration from yogic philosophy (particularly Tantra) and the rhythms of the natural world, as well as all my teachers and my own daily sadhana.
My background is in social justice work and capoeira Angola, the combination of which has taken me to complete a PhD in anthropology and to live for several years in Latin America. I came to yoga in my early twenties, but it was when I was living in a particularly challenging context, as I accompanied human rights defenders in a favela in Rio de Janeiro, that I developed my own daily yoga and meditation practice.
I have completed over 700 hours of yoga teacher training, including with Shiva Rea, Bex Tyrer and most recently a 300hr Rasa YTT led by Sianna Sherman and Greta Hill, who I continue to study with. This powerful style has had a profound impact on my teaching.
I see the practice as a journey back to source and a remembrance of wholeness. An invitation to drink the nectar of movement infused with breath and awareness. Classes are primarily asana (posture) based, and I often weave in meditation, pranayama (breath-work), mudras (energy seals), and mantra (sound vibration). I offer hands-on assists when appropriate, complemented by my training as an Ayurvedic Yoga Massage therapist. There will be opportunities to get playful, as well as to take deep rest.
Contact details
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/charlilivingflow/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

Charlie Merton
Charlie began teaching Yoga in 2011, she has a vast amount of training and practice in several methods of yoga and healing, including Yin, Restorative, Flow, Hatha, Kundalini, Kirtan, Pranayama and Meditation.
She now teaches from a tantric perspective and offers classes in yin, restorative, flow, hatha, meditation and brings all elements of each of these into all her general classes where appropriate.
Charlie teaches a soulful integral practice with the aim to reconnect you to the essence of your being, giving you permission to explore yourself through movement, breath, mantra and meditation.
Charlie incorporates a broad range of the aspects of yoga; it’s more than just asana (posture). Her classes leave you feeling realigned, invigorated, connected to yourself as well as deeply relaxed. Charlie is an experienced sound therapist and gong master leading ceremonies across London. Her gong baths are powerfully rejuvenating and not to be missed!
Contact details
Claire Wilkinson
I found yoga when travelling in India over 20 years ago and fell in love with the practice after experiencing the deep feeling of pure connection. I have been teaching in Kensington for over 8 years and am highly experienced in yoga, meditation and mindfulness. As well as teaching group and private classes, I run regular workshops and also retreats in the Himalayas.
My classes combine Vinyasa Flow with breath work and meditation and are spiritual based, with emphasis on allowing you to drop inwards and fully connect with yourself from a deep place. I gives guidance and assistance to correct your alignment.
I like to teach with a fun and light manner, I want my students to go out feeling lighter and happier than when they arrived.
I love yoga and love teaching and I want my passion to fill into every class, so when you leave, you feel happier, lighter and less stressed than when you arrived.
Contact details
Website : https://www.clairewilkinsonyoga.co.uk/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/clairewilkinsonyoga

David Ramcharran
David’s first memory of yoga was when his father did a headstand and he clambered next to him in his diaper trying to imitate him. For many years, he practiced with his father who has never attended any studio classes and has had a steady daily self-practice to this day.
After many years of competitive running for school and college, David developed many injuries from not stretching properly. His physiotherapist at the time suggested that he try hot yoga, which he did for a few years until he yearned for a more spiritual side to the practice. In 2012, he was introduced to dharma yoga which is based on a system of classical Hatha-Raja Yoga which is a devotional practice emphasising good health, a clear mind and a kind heart.
David has since completed several trainings in yoga, pranayama and meditation to further develop his practice and improve his knowledge of how the body works. He is also a bodyworker and a certified advanced Thai massage therapist. He incorporates some elements of Thai massage in his teaching style, especially when adjusting and helping students achieve some of the more challenging asanas.
He personally believes that yoga is beneficial for all, no matter how old you are and that the only limitations are the ones we set for ourselves.
Contact details
Website : https://www.thelostyogaboy.com/

Diana Holland
Diana has been teaching Yoga and Pilates for over 35 years and has developed an uplifting and unique style of teaching. Flowing, gentle, rich and creative, her style helps you stay grounded while focusing on precision and alignment to build strength and confidence in your body and mind.
First studying Ashtanga yoga with John Scott, Diana decided to then change direction and qualify as an Iyengar yoga teacher; studying extensively with senior advanced teachers Maxine Tobies and Silvia Prescott.
Diana is passionate about Yoga Nidra as well as guided relaxation, and draws on her hypnotherapy techniques and voice training to create a blissful and transformative experience for her students in an uplifting and positive way.
Diana’s background is rooted in movement; starting off her life as a professional dancer where she performed all around the world. Now an experienced physical therapist and clinical hypnotherapist, her aim is to inspire a sense of community, happiness and confidence to everyone in class and bring joy and healing benefits to all through movement, meditation and relaxation.
Contact details
Website : https://dianahollandyoga.com/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/yogadianah/?utm_medium=copy_link

Dipa Trivedi
Dipa is a Yoga, Pilates, Meditation teacher and Osteopath, she has been teaching for more than 13 years, trained in most styles with more inspiration on slow flow, postural alignment and breathwork now. Her teaching values are authenticity, deep practice intention and change.
Originally from India, Gandhi’s birthplace, she was trained with her family and later formally. She also teaches mindfulness practices and regularly gives talks at company events for stress management in the workplace.
She specialises in rehabilitation therapy for sport's injury, pre/postnatal, women’s health and general health recovery. Her Osteo Yoga Flow workshops (Slow yoga flow with Osteopathic adjustments) are suitable for everybody who wants to deepen their practice and adapt yoga to their life. She has an Osteopathy clinic at the Life Centre on Mondays.
Contact details
Email : dipa.trivedi@gmail.com
Mobile Number : 07817498332

Dirish Shaktidas
"I combine my knowledge of movement, mindful meditation and sound, to teach the Art of Yoga. My commitment is empowering others to express themselves and release blocks. I offer a unique blend of Shakti Dance, Yin Yoga and Vinyasa Flow. My intention is to inspire individuals through my deep knowledge of Eastern philosophy complemented by creating fresh and dynamic classes.”
Internationally trained and accredited by world renowned teachers and with more than ten years experience, Dirish leads highly acclaimed retreats in stunning locations including India, Bali and Greece. His work has received a positive reception, described as fresh, rejuvenating, and contemporary.
Contact details
Website : http://www.dirish.com/

Dora Dearing
Each of Dora’s classes will be themed and designed to take you on a journey progressively and safely towards your peak posture. Asanas will be taught with options for modifications encouraging students to approach the practice in a way that is best suited to their individual needs, making these classes accessible for all levels of ability. The objective of Hatha Yoga is to transform the human body to make it a worthy vehicle for self realisation. With this in mind you can expect Pranayama practices and investigation into Yogic principles to be threaded throughout the Asana sequences.
Dora is dedicated to a practice that is about the journey rather than the result, which gives each individual a very real and personal set of tools and skills to support any stage of life, circumstance or physical state.
Contact details

Erika Shapiro
Erika is a Senior Yoga Teacher, registered with Yoga Alliance Professionals. She teaches Vinyasa flow, Yin yoga, Restorative yoga, meditation and mindfulness in the context of group classes, private tuition, corporate workshops and well-being days and teacher trainings, for those wishing to embark on the path of teaching yoga.
Erika is passionate about sharing the power that a yoga and meditation practice can unleash within us, helping us live a healthier, fuller, more balanced and attuned life. Her yoga classes are non-dogmatic and encourage students to find their own way of practicing within their range of motion and ability. Her classes are challenging both physically and mentally, but at the same time accessible and inclusive. Erika is interested in sharing her love of yoga, meditation, mindfulness and Eastern Philosophy to facilitate clients learning and growing in their practice, under her experienced guidance.
Erika qualified as a 500 hour RYT yoga teacher in 2009 with the Art of Contemporary Yoga (registered with Yoga Alliance US), under the guidance of Joanne Avison (author of Yoga: Fascia, Anatomy and Movement), Alex Filmer-Loch (Author, teacher, therapist) and Linda D’Antal (founder of Treehouse Yoga).
Erika has a curious mind and keen interest in yoga philosophy which led her to pursue studies with Daniel Simpson, completing the following courses: The Truth of yoga, The Early Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, The Hatha Pradipika.
Contact details

Erika Tourell
Erika's life's work has been centered around health and healing. She has worked as a multi-modality Holistic Therapist / Trainer for over thirty five years and has been sharing spiritual teachings and practices that are rooted in the traditions of Yoga, Tantra and Buddhism since 1998. She has been a part of the Yoga Teacher Training Faculty at triyoga and has worked as a Wellness Consultant in the corporate sector for over ten years.
Erika's healing journey has been greatly facilitated by the wisdom she has received directly from Nature and the shamans and indigenous communities of India, North and South America. She has been studying animist psychology, ancestral healing, trauma and the nervous system in great depth over the last three years, along with the practices of grief tending that originate from West Africa. She is passionate about ritual and ceremony, and loves to hold sacred space to honour the natural cycles and seasons of life as a way to reinstate the rites of passage and initiations that have been lost in our culture.
Erika's work is informed by her life as a mother, wife, healer, holistic health coach, ritualist, retreat leader, circle holder, celebrant, facilitator, dancer, friend and sister.
Contact details
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/erikatourell_healing/

Eugene Sabala
Eugene is a Fitness and Wellness professional providing personalized, comprehensive programs using holistic mind and body philosophies to assist busy and time-pressed professionals in reaching and maintaining their health goals.
Self-motivated, enthusiastic, and with a positive attitude; Eugene has extensive experience in the areas of building relationships and rapport with clients and colleagues.
As an accomplished fitness trainer and physiotherapy aide, he is proficient in stress and pain reduction techniques and a licensed and practicing Massage Therapist.
Contact details

Federica Zurleni
Federica is originally from ltaly where she trained as a ballet and contemporary dancer. She moved to this country to work in theatre, TV and has been touring across Europe with various artists as a dancer, assistant choreographer and dance coach. She has been teaching Pilates for the fifteen years after attending the Body Control Pilates course and since then she also attended various workshops, most recently at the Laban centre. Federica teaches groups and one to one classes across London as well as in physiotherapy centres.
She loves creating a setting for students to feel at ease and work towards their own goals by leading them to achieve their best .
Contact details

Gahl Sasson
Gahl E. Sasson is an acclaimed astrologer and sought-after speaker. His book on Kabbalah earned the endorsement of HH the 14th Dalai Lama. Often referred to as "the GPS of the soul," his eight astrology books have captivated readers globally, with translations in multiple languages. Beyond the stars, Gahl delves into the realms of mythology, symbolism, and storytelling, contributing academic papers and enlightening audiences at international seminars and workshops. Residing in Los Angeles, you can connect with him at CosmicNavigator.com (you can join complimentary zoom classes)
Contact details
Website : https://cosmicnavigator.com/

Gemma Bliss
Gemma has been teaching kundalini yoga since 2010, and is qualified as Level 2/ 500hr yoga teacher. She was born in Iran, grew up in Zimbabwe, and has since lived in South Africa, Japan, France, India and London (where she is now). She has completed many training certifications in health and wellness, from Reiki to Theta Healing and Angel therapy to Ayurveda, but her most consistent teacher has been yoga. Gemma plays the sarangi–a sacred string instrument from north India–and is undertaking extensive training to become a naad (sound) yoga teacher. The healing properties of sound and music feature in Gemma's yoga classes as an integral aspect of kundalini yoga.
Contact details

Gianna Hewlett
My mission is to share the positive impact that Yoga can have on our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. As Annie Dillard says, “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives” I firmly believe that each of us can find greater support, ease and joy in our lives through the practice of Yoga.
I am a RYT 500 hr accredited by Yoga Alliance with an additional training in Pregnancy and Postnatal Yoga and Myofascial Release. I predominantly teach Vinyasa Flow yoga but enjoy and draw on several styles. I am a passionate student of Yoga as much as I am a teacher and I weave elements of the philosophy and history of the discipline into creative sequences.
I offer practices to help students reconnect with themselves - on both a physical and emotional level – and with the people and spaces that comprise the fabric of our lives.
Contact details
Website : https://giannahewlett.com/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/giannahewlett/

Gonca Alban
Gonca has trained extensively in yoga anatomy, dynamic yoga, yin yoga, pranayama, meditation and yoga philosophy with Paul Grilley and Maarten Vermaase, as well as Sarah Powers, John Stirk and others. She has completed advanced training courses in Anatomy and Physiology, Yin Yoga, Pranayama and Chakra Meditation. She has been assisting her teacher Paul Grilley in his teacher trainings in Europe over the past 4 years.
She also has two years experience working in an addiction clinic in London and uses yoga and meditation techniques to help students overcome depression, anxiety and addiction.
Gonca believes that yoga practise should be enjoyable and result in participants feeling great after the class, both physically and mentally. She tailors her classes to individual or group needs and expectations and offers options for different levels of experience, physical ability and flexibility.
Contact details
Website : https://www.gahealthandyoga.com

Graham Burns
23 years working as a commercial lawyer in the City and even longer playing competitive sport gave Graham Burns a unique perspective on how yoga can help with the stresses of daily life.
In all his teaching, Graham emphasises that the physical benefits of asana are only a small part of the joy of yoga. Much more important is the combined use of body, breath and mind to help us find our true essence. Graham’s classes are imaginatively sequenced with a particular focus on their more subtle energetic effects, and typically also include both pranayama (breath work) and either meditation or yoga nidra.
Graham has taught yoga since 2000, and is a member of the teaching faculty of the Yogacampus Yoga Teacher Training Diploma course, where he is able to indulge his passion for yoga history and philosophy. He holds a Master’s degree in Indian religions and a PhD in Indian philosophy from the University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies.
Above all, Graham is known for his humorous and light-hearted approach to teaching, while still preserving the best elements of the yoga tradition.
Contact details
Website : http://www.samanayoga.com/

Jayne Miller
Jayne teaches fluid, soulful yoga with a strong focus on healthy alignment, breath awareness and playful exploration. BWY and Yoga Alliance (500 hour) accredited, she has been teaching in London since 2010 (and practising for more than 20 years). Her teaching is strongly influenced by the magical Sianna Sherman with whom she did an advanced RASA teacher training, and the somatic awareness and fascia release movement patterns of Tias Little. She is a qualified SATYA teacher. Jayne aims to create energising, thoughtful classes which are a juicy infusion of all the flavours of yoga and hopes to encourage individuals to develop confidence and joy in their practice wherever they are.
It was during pregnancy that Jayne's self practice and appreciation for the capabilities of the human body truly evolved, she trained with Uma Dinsmore Tuli and Birthlight (Yoga for Pregnancy & Mums and Babies) as well as Jo Manuel, the Special Yoga Centre (yoga and mindfulness for children). She feels lucky to have studied with so many incredible teachers, including Bo Forbes, Donna Farhi, Doug Keller and Judith Hanson Lasator (integrative yoga therapy and restorative yoga). Jayne hopes to pass on that inspiration and enthusiasm to her own students. She teaches a range of classes across London, as well as privates & retreats, and leads CPD workshops for yoga teachers/trainees
Contact details
Website : https://jayneandyoga.blogspot.com/p/about-me.html
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/jayneandyoga/

Jennifer Roche
Contact details

Jenny Fleming
Jenny has been practicing yoga for 12 years and is a Sivananda based Hatha Yoga Teacher. She likes to combine different flowing sequences following the breath with holding asanas for longer and being still, relaxing. She has been teaching in and around London for the past 2 1/2 years.
Contact details
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/jenfleming17/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

Julia Dalalba
Dr Julia Dalalba
A Spanish architect specialised in interior design for health and spiritual well-being, Julia integrates the Indian wisdom of Vastu Shastra with Yoga philosophy. She holds a doctorate in sacred architecture from Oxford, with her research focusing on Vastu Shastra for Christian Spiritual Well-being.
She has years of experience consulting on properties worldwide, helping people
harmonise their homes' energy to support a more aligned and uplifting life. She also
teaches online and writes about the profound connection between architecture, health and spiritual well-being.
A Kriya Yoga practioner and disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda since 2013, Julia
approaches Vastu through Yogic lenses, balancing its idealism with practical application. She merges this ancient wisdom with her expertise in contemporary architecture and interior design to make it more accessible for modern living.
Contact details:
Contact details

Katie Rice
Trained in contemporary dance, Katie brings her choreography skills to her Power, Restorative and Yin Yoga classes. A 500-hour advanced YTTC Vinyasa teacher, with 300 hours from the prestigious Sampoorna Ashram in India, she has been continually expanding her teaching style over the last 5 years. Katie is also as a 100-hour Yin Yoga Instructor, trained by the world-respected Norman Blair. Katie is qualified in Mat and Reformer Pilates which has broadened her own practice and teaching to share a diverse range of fitness styles with her students.
Using an in-depth knowledge of anatomy, yoga philosophy, and breathwork, Katie’s classes are fluid and creative. She fuses positive affirmations and thought-provoking themes with inspiring playlists , to provide her students with a strong and powerful practice. Her Pilates training forms a diverse feel to the class and targets specific muscle groups to further tone and shape.
With specific training in alignment and assists, Katie thrives on teaching to what she sees, and you can be sure she will be there to help you progress from one class to the next, should you wish, Katie encourages students in her classes to remember that no body shifts, shapes or feels in the same way and that it is important to make each position your own.
Contact details
Kevin Cassingham
Contact details

Kiki Felipe
Kiki has been practising yoga for over 20 years and after many years working in the music business, photography, and hospitality she shifted her focus to the study of alternative therapies including Transcendental and Mindfulness meditation and also trained as a Bach Flower Remedies therapist.
She's a trained Nutritional and Wellness Therapist/Coach, certified by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, NY, USA, and certified in Therapeutic skills and studies by the Metanoia Institute, LDN, UK. Kiki completed her 200-hr Yoga Teacher Training at Sun Power Yoga, Restorative TT with Anna Ashby, and Pregnancy Yoga TT with Nadia Narain. She's also trained in Restorative TT with Adele Cheong / Judith Lasater's directory, Face Yoga with Yoga Facial TT, and Yin yoga TT with Jennifer Raye.
Kiki has been working with a wide age range of people (young adults to senior students), helping them achieve and maintain balance, wellness and resilience. Knowing the importance of continuously updating her studies she had the opportunity to study with Andrew McGonnigal/Doctor Yogi, Elena Brower, Colleen Saidman, Rodney Yee, Richard Rosen and Nikki Costello
Contact details
Website : https://www.kikifelipe.com/

Kiranjot is my spiritual name, Kiran means ray of sunlight, jot is a vessel. I’ve been practicing Kundalini Yoga since 2003 and teaching since 2008. I was suffering with debilitating depression and was looking for ways to heal. I felt a massive energetic shift in my first Kundalini class and had an instant realisation that Kundalini Yoga was it.
I have a keen interest in living closer to the cycles of nature which has helped my personally soothe my frazzled nervous system. I also have a keen interest in astrology so pay close attention to the turning of the seasons, the cycle of the moon and the movements of planets and stars when planning my classes which is why I believe so many people say after class "thank you that was spot on."
I run regular workshops in London and retreats in Ibiza please check my website for details www.kiranjot.com
Contact details

Laurent Roure
Laurent Roure provides students with tools for mindful, safe, and effective body, breath, and mind practices to enhance their health and well-being.
Focusing on mind-body connection techniques, breathwork, grounding, and meditative practices, Laurent promotes self-awareness and connection to one's body, strengths, and weaknesses. He customises and themes classes to individual needs, nurturing a secure and joyful learning environment.
Laurent's expertise in Somatic yoga enriches his teaching approach. Classes incorporate concepts such as self-exploration, awareness, self-compassion and surrender, creating a space for students of all ages and backgrounds to benefit from his guidance in self-acceptance, recovery, improvement, and overall well-being.
Contact details
Website : https://yogalaurent.com/

Leone Roberts
Leone Roberts has been teaching yoga since 2000. Her initial practice and study was Iyengar, Hatha and Ashtanga yoga. Teacher training certificate Iyengar yoga.
The experience from different practices enables a blend of styles. The focus and influence is understanding alignment and placement to enable a disciplined engagement with the mind/body consciousness. Emphasis on stillness and knowledge of the action. She teaches: Yoga open level which is a mixture of alignment and flow.
Contact details

Lisa Daopraky
Lisa is a Meditation teacher & Kirtan music artist known for her relaxing and vitalising meditations. As a busy Londoner herself she understands the impact that city life can have on our wellbeing, and actively brings the techniques and philosophies of meditation to Londoners, offering us a space to ground and reconnect with ourselves and each other. Lisa has been studying meditation for 10 years, deepening her practice and knowledge through daily practice, study and regular Vipassana retreats in which she sits for up to 17hrs a day in silent meditation. Being of South East Asian heritage, her childhood was filled with Buddhist ceremonies and rituals which led her to explore the philosophies, practices and lessons of Buddha in later life when she was experiencing chronic anxiety and stress herself. Lisa enjoys sharing these teachings in her classes, that seem just as helpful today as they were 2500 years ago.
Contact details

Louise Grime
Louise has been practising yoga for 40 years and teaching for 30.
After doing a Teachers training in Sivinanda Ashram in Kerala India, she completed the Iyengar Teacher's Training Programme in London in 1994.
Since then she has developed a more flowing style. The teachers who have had the greatest influence on her are BKS Iyengar, Shandor Remete, John Scott and more recently Alaric Newcombe
Contact details
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/lakshmilou/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

Ludmila Livdharam
Ludmila is a Kundalini Yoga teacher, a lightworker and a master of women’s practises. She has accomplished a 4-year teacher training with Amrit Nam Sarovar School (ANS) and is a member of Kundalini Yoga Teacher’s Association (KYTA). She is a trainer and a mentor of Kundalini Awakening, a yoga teacher training course run in the UK and France.
Ludmila is qualified in Kundalini Yoga as Medicine, Kundalini Gong Yoga, as well as Healing Rays and Theta Healing modalities. She is a lightworker, a healer and a numerologist.
Ludmila has deep passion for working with women and for women’s wellbeing. She runs Women’s Circles, where women get together to share a gift of womanhood and reconnect to the feminine power within.
Contact details

Luiza Kirk
Having always felt somewhat of a misfit, I searched for answers outside my immediate culture and turned to Eastern traditions to find them. I learnt Transcendental Meditation when it was not a cool thing to do, and got into Yoga as I was recovering from chronic fatigue in my 20s. It became my daily companion and eventually a profession.
In 2000, I completed a two year teacher training programme at Iyengar Institute in Maida Vale and went on to India to study with the Iyengar family. Later on, I completed Donna Farhi teacher training which introduced me to the world of somatic movement. For many years I was driven to explore many healing modalities and travelled all over the world in search of healers and shamans. Then by chance, I stumbled into a Qi Gong workshop with Master Zhixing Wang, and it was a revelation. My body felt alive, light and right for the first time in a very long time, without the need to improve or change anything. This experience has transformed the way I teach Yoga and led me to completing a Qi Gong teacher training programme with Lee Holden in Santa Cruz and a study of Qi Gong with teachers all over the globe.
Many years of practice later, I combine more linear Yoga asanas with fluid Qigong flows to tap into the flow of Qi/Prana, where our practice becomes more effortless and holds infinite healing potential. We then have a chance to experience our body as a river - always flowing, always changing - and to release tensions and limited beliefs that we might have about ourselves. I am now based in Richmond and teach small groups and individuals from my home and beautiful walled garden and online.
Contact details
Website : https://luizakirk.com/

Marcia Sharp
Marcia swapped a management career at the BBC for a life in yoga. Practising and studying yoga for over 15 years, Marcia has explored many different styles of yoga.
She studied in New York with the legendary Sri Dharma Mittra and her certification includes 500hrs Dharma Yoga, and 200hrs from the acclaimed International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre in France. Yoga with Marcia is a balanced, healthy and fun way to tone both body and mind; Marcia subtly combines the transformative qualities of the practice and cultivates mindfulness, creativity and exploration - individually and cohesively. Her classes are motivating and challenging, Marcia's style is adaptable to everyone, she guides you with compassion, care, love and good humour.
Contact details
Website : https://marciasharp.co.uk/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/marciasharpyoga/

Margherita Dal Pra
Margherita Dal Pra is an enthusiastic educator. She's passionate about empowering her students with transformational yoga tools to live more vibrant and healthy lives. Her teaching style is laid back, yet focused. Her yoga classes are abundant with clear and concise alignment cues and rich with modifications/variations so that all levels of students have a place to confidently and comfortably progress. Margherita has been teaching Hatha yoga for 20 years. She lives in London.
Certified E-RYT500 her teaching has evolved to include a number of styles that have influenced her on her yogic path: the dance of Vinyasa Flow combined with healthy bio-mechanics, the life affirming of Tantrik philosophy, her deep love for mantra and meditation, and her passion for lifestyle & Ayurveda.
Margherita skilfully weaves themes through her classes in order for each student to experience a journey that goes beyond the body and pierces deeply into the Heart. She teaches public classes in align + flow hatha yoga for students with all experience. She works on strength and flexibility in equal balance. Each class had themed around a particular physical alignment principle as well as a specific philosophical mythical theme, providing opportunity to connect to ourselves on and off the mat.
Contact details
Website : https://www.yogam.co.uk/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/margheritadalprayoga/

Mark Hill
I first practised yoga in 1996 at my local fitness centre in London. From the very beginning I loved the feeling it gave me and I was soon hooked.
After three years of regular practice I decided to become a yoga teacher, spending two years training full time, firstly in Sivananda yoga, then in Iyengar and Astanga Vinyasa yoga.
In 2001 I started teaching Vinyasa yoga in London full time. In 2013, after six years of studying and practising Parayoga (Vinyasa yoga, Pranayama and Meditation) under the guidance of Yogarupa Rod Stryker, I became the first certified Parayoga teacher outside of North America.
Rod Stryker and Parayoga is the main influence on my practice and my teaching today.
Contact details
Website : http://www.markhillyoga.com/
Mary Patricia Smiley
Contact details

Mary Young
With a regular practise originally in Ashtanga and Vinyasa Flow, Mary became sufficiently inspired by the positive effects on her own general health and well-being to undertake her first formal yoga teacher training in India in 2008.
In addition to teaching a movement-based yang practice encompassing the principles of Vinyasa Flow, Mary also teaches Yin yoga, yoga Nidra, and contemplative practices. Her yoga style blends elements of mindfulness meditation, embodiment and anatomy/physiology together with interoceptive awareness, meridian system enhancement and myofascial release techniques.
Mary extends gratitude to all her teachers past and present and continues to train and study in her favoured areas of interest, adding depth to her knowledge for her own inspiration and to share with practitioners.
Contact details
Website : https://www.violetlotusyoga.com/

Mirthe Eckl
With an undergraduate degree in Health, Mirthe holds a post-graduate certification in Functional Medicine. Her own diagnosis of the autoimmune condition Crohn’s from an early age on lead her to exploring many different areas of yoga, meditation and dietary interventions, facilitated by her parents being early yoga enthusiast and spending childhood summers at Yesudian’s Yoga Center in Lugano and Thich Nhat Than’s Mindfulness Center Plum Village in the south of France.
After a stint travelling the world looking after the NZ Olympic Team and surfers on the World Surfing League as physio, yoga teacher and health coach in her 20ies, followed by years of bespoke health optimisation and Functional Medicine work in the Swiss Alpine town Verbier, she is now making Notting Hill her home. Mirthe will offer a yoga & core class, and can also be booked for physiotherapy and Functional Medicine sessions at The Life Center.
Contact details
Website : https://functionalmedicine.me.uk/yoga_core_mindfulness/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/mirthe_precisionhealth/

Mirthe Eckl
Mirthe is a Functional Medicine practitioner, physiotherapist and yoga teacher with over 14 years of experience working and travelling the world with elite athletes such as the Surf World League and the NZ Olympic Ski Team, running bespoke health retreats for VIP patients, and helping patients achieve their best state of health.
After a 4 year full-time undergraduate degree in Health (BSc, 1st class Hons, 2011), Mirthe went on to a 2 year part-time postgraduate course in Functional Medicine (2015-2017).
Mirthe supports her patients through a range of symptoms including autoimmune, hormone related, cancer, musculoskeletal pain, but also helps prevent chronic disease and bespoke health span extension via predictive biomarker testing in the blood, genetics, and a bespoke protocol of dietary, lifestyle and supplement recommendations unique to the person.
Mirthe is a Functional Medicine practitioner, passionate about empowering individuals to become (and stay) the healthiest and most vibrant version of themselves.
Next to her private practise, she dedicates a large portion of her time continuing to dissect research and educating via public speaking events to allow for a wider audience to also take control of their health and to be able to make educated, science backed choices to live their best and healthiest life.
To familiarise yourself with her approach, watch some of her previous lectures given here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCojAVKl0u7z6YwhxJd0eOYw
Contact details
Email : mirthe@functionalmedicine.me.uk
Mobile Number : 07413302013
Website : https://mprecisionhealth.com/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/mirthe_precisionhealth/

Mishari Al-Bader
Mishari is a certified yoga teacher and has trained at Sangyé yoga school in London founded and run by Cat Alip-douglas and Phil Douglas. Mishari completed his 200 hour teacher training 2020 and immediately after graduating apprenticed with Cat for three months.
Mishari comes from an Investment banking background. A stock broker since 1999, a fast based industry that can very easily loose touch with the more genuine realities of life and the importance of community. Mishari stopped brokering in 2015. Although still in the finance industry, he found refuge in his yoga daily practice and experienced more than glimpses of the body and mind uniting.
Mishari’s style of teaching is light-hearted yet physically and mentally demanding. Mishari encourages a focus on breath creating a rhythm and flow to the practice. Mishari incorporates a diverse music playlist at certain intervals in his classes that help find energetic sense of joy and freedom.
Contact details

Molly Harragin
Molly found yoga in 2008 in Bali. Her first training was a Jivamukti teacher training in Dorset which she followed with a year apprenticeship at Jivamukti London.
After some experience teaching at studios in London and on some international retreats she then did an 18 month yoga therapy diploma with Yogacampus to learn more about working with people with injuries and illness.
She has added to her toolkit since then with courses in yoga nidra, thai yoga massage, EFT, and yin yoga. She is currently studying an MA in Psychotherapy and Counselling at Regents University. She looks forward to meeting you.
Contact details
Email : mollyharragin@hotmail.com
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/yoga_moll/

Moon Saker
Moon came to yoga through her career as a model, initially to stay in shape but she quickly discovered it was about so much more. She fell in love with every aspect of the practice and began to teach to share her love and respect for the journey.
Internationally trained and accredited by renowned teachers Moon’s classes are dynamic and innovative. She combines traditional flows, modern fitness based practices and creative sequencing to inspire and empower students.
Moon focuses on the physical whilst providing space and gentle guidance for meditation and breath work to be a part of the class naturally. Through her classes she strives to help individuals find confidence in their bodies and minds, encouraging them to challenge themselves whilst remaining playful and remembering to laugh.
Contact details
Website : https://www.moonsakeryoga.com/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/moon_saker/

Natalie Gartshore
I've loved and practised yoga since copying my mum as a child. I still have all her old books!!
In 2004 I set up Yoga with Natalie providing group classes, private 1-1 and corporate sessions, plus workshops and continuing education for fellow teachers.
I teach a variety of styles from vinyasa, ashtanga and gentle hatha to restorative.
Within us is everything we need in order to embrace our existence. Through reconnecting with our inner sensations, emotions and thoughts we can move our body to explore the space around us, as much as explore the space within us. This intuitive movement experience facilitates freedom in your soul as well as creating a more pain-free and grounded physical body.
Contact details
Website : http://www.yogawithnatalie.com/

Natasha Longman
Natasha is a crystal healer and reiki master for 15 years and has worked with crystals since the age of 7. Being born into a spiritual family, she has learnt many things from a young age and was lucky enough to have an amazing mother, who was a great teacher. Her mission is to help others realign and self-heal. She believes that behind every illness is an unhealed trauma and a misalignment of some sort. Your chakra balance plays a key part in alignment and overall wellbeing every day.
Natasha is a Reiki Teacher & Crystal spiritual healer/coach. Practising Reiki for over 14 years and a love of crystals. Combining these powerful tools, creating a unique energy healing experience. I have created many crystal sessions over the years and they are available on our website from basic lessons on how to use them to crystal energy tune up and healing with crystals.
Contact details
Website : https://www.alwaysbelieveinmiracles.com/

Norman Blair
Norman began practising yoga in the early 1990s and he has been teaching since 2001. His practice and teaching embrace both Ashtanga yoga and Yin yoga as well as mindfulness meditation.
Through significant periods of training with teachers such as Judith Hanson Lasater, Richard Freeman and Sarah Powers, he gained the Yoga Alliance 500-hour accreditation. His book - Brightening Our Inner Skies: yin and yoga - was published in 2016 and he has been teaching Yin yoga trainings since 2013. He believes that yoga is accessible to all of us and through regular practice we can experience profound changes in our mind and body. His own experience has taught him that yoga is an enjoyable way to release and make available energetic potentials that can enhance our lives.
Contact details
Paul Marsat
Contact details

Phillipa Gendall
Phillipa started her yoga journey in 1995 after being diagnosed with osteoporosis which was the result of long term anorexia/ drug use. What she originally thought might help strengthen her bones became her path to recovery.
She was first introduced to Iyengar yoga by senior teacher Elizabeth Connolly. And then a few years later become a regular student of John Scott (Ashtanga yoga) it was then that yoga took her to spend extended periods of time between 2001 to 2006, studying and teaching in India .
She was a senior teacher at Purple Valley /Brahmani Yoga Goa and eventually taught on their annual teacher training programs.
Phillipa’s teaching style is based around her experience of yoga, formerly teaching Mysore self practice /Ashtanga and now teaching a steady ,flowing ,progressive practice with an awareness on the breath linking the poses with the vinyasa krama system as its foundation, but also emphasising the importance of technique and alignment.
In her classes there is an encouragement to develop your own practice, recognise it’s potential as a tool for inner transformation whilst maintaining a balance between sustainability, stability and flexibility.
Phillipa has also studied pranayama intensively following the Hatha yoga tradition. She has been teaching yoga for over twenty years, has attended many hours of trainings and continues to study with her teachers.
Contact details

Sandrine Giacobino
Alongside teaching yoga and holding events, Sandrine's current focus is on supporting people on their healing journey through Integrative Coaching, Metaphysical healing and Holistic treatments. She is dedicated to helping people with their relationship with food, body image and working through trauma that is held in the body. Together we work on finding the root causes of dis-ease or impasses, and improve the quality of your life.
She also offers deep tissue, gentle release therapy, pregnancy massage and abdominal sacral fertility work. She loves to support women with their fertility and menstrual health and anyone dealing with digestive issues. The belly, being our second brain, is essential to our overall health and wellbeing!
She is looking forward to meeting you and helping you along your path, as she has been helped along hers. She is currently studying with the energetic health institute to become a holistic nutritionist and wellness coach.
Contact details
Email : mariposandrine@gmail.com
Mobile Number : 0777 51 921 24
Website : https://www.sandrinegiacobino.info/

Sara B. Schoemer
Born and bred in New Mexico, I was raised in a community that cultivated my love of movement and a free and open spirit. Yoga has taught me to connect with myself as I connected with others. After many years of practice, I trained and began my journey as a teacher at Yogamaya in Manhattan in 2018, and have been teaching daily ever since.
My personal practice is daily joy and connection, and I seek to pass this on to my students. My classes aim to help students explore their joyful potential and walk away with a deeper sense of vitality and "enoughness". Through creative sequencing, intuitive movement and a lighthearted approach, I encourage students to explore new places within them and outside their comfort zone, whether it be in movement, stillness, sound or silence.
Contact details
Website : https://www.sara-b-yoga.com/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/sara.b.yoga/

Sasha Wilhelm
Sasha Wilhelm is an international Kundalini yoga and meditation teacher with expertise in yoga therapy for mental and physical health. She’s shared this practice both in the private and corporate sector and is passionate about empowering us to become our own self healers. Her positive outlook on life is contagious and uplifting, her classes and workshops are always joyful and a safe space for you to experience the magic of yourself.
Contact details

Sat Guru (Cheryl Baker)
SAT GURU KAUR is a transformative Lead Kundalini Trainer for Level 1 and Level 2.
She has been traveling and teaching worldwide for the past 22 years. She is also a Somatic Experiencing Therapist (trauma release) and loves to interweave Somatic techniques with the Kundalini, which helps people release stuck trauma energy, hidden tension and heal mental imbalance so that her students and clients can reconnect to themselves on a deeper level, have a renewed vitality and be the best version of themselves.
She is a dynamic and fun loving teacher who brings her international experience, sense of humor and skills set to every yoga class. She has a lively presence and uplifting vibe and likes to give students the experience of living life opening up to infinite possibilities. Live the magic with her in the classroom!
Contact details
Email : kundalinisomatic@gmail.com
Mobile Number : 07444026117
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/thesomatickundalini/

Siri Sadhana Kaur
Siri Sadhana Kaur is a touring UK mantra recording artist, dancer and a Kundalini yoga trainer. Her love of embodying the sacred through movement, melody and rhythm led to her to record an eclectic mix of 8 music mantra albums . Her daughter Aloka tours and records and is featured on their up and coming latest release ‘Rise+Shine’.
Siris background in Theatre, inspired her to train in Paris as a performer with the movement master Jacques Lecoq, she collaborated in both classical and innovative ensembles, whilst integrating interpersonal and therapeutic expression. For 20 years she worked closely with Sobonfu Somé daughter and elder of the Dagara tribe of West Africa, establishing the ritual healing village training UK, learning indigenous technology. Siri recently co-founded The Kundalini Yoga Studio in central London and runs Level 1 + Level 2 Aquarian teacher training's, and events with the Karam Kriya School
With gratitude to her spiritual teacher Shiv Charan Singh, she shares her music, the timeless teachings of Kundalini yoga + indigenous technology, encouraging others to dance + sing their joyful depths, incorporating ceremony to consciously awaken and become the instrument and true light of our souls.
Contact details
Website : https://sirisadhana.com/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/sirisadhana/

Sonal Thakrar
A lawyer in the corporate world for over two decades, Sonal discovered Yoga in 2008 and as she describes, ‘Yoga cracked me open’. She discovered that Yoga was so much more than just showing up to do asana poses on the mat.
Most profoundly, she birthed Nada Yoga, the Yoga of Sound by weaving sound vibration through Crystal Alchemy Sound Bowls made from precious gemstones, rare earths, metals and minerals. Each a vessel enabling her to channel and express her creativity and essence. Sound is vibration. In Yoga, vibration is referred to as Spanda; a Pulsation, the contraction and expansion of everything. Weaving sound in intuitive play and in Crystal Sonic Therapy trained techniques become a life changer for Sonal.
Sonal’s life experiences, devotion, studies and trainings are heavily influenced by Tantra, the lineage of non-dual philosophy of Kashmiri Shaivism. She is hugely inspired by her teachers and continues to be guided by Bridget Woods Kramer, Shiva Rea and Mia Togo, who influence her personal practice and teaching style.
Sonal is known to weave spiritual and philosophical myth, mantra and theming into her classes and workshops, focusing on energetic and somatic alignment, syncopating with the breath, prana and the rhythms of life. She transmits her authentic Eastern roots and integrates her corporate life as a lawyer with Living Yoga and vibrating Sound through her Crystal Alchemy Sound Bowls in her daily life through her clear expression, instruction and presence. Meeting the student exactly where they are.
Sonal has 1100 hrs of yoga teacher training under her belt as well as holding Level I Foundation Training Certificate and Level II Practitioner Training Certificate in Crystal Sonic Therapy Practice.
Contact details
Website : https://www.sonalthakrar.com/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/sonalthakraryoga/?utm_medium=copy_link
Sophie Debaere
Over the past 20 years Sophie has been studying, developing and refining practices that help people heal and navigate life in a more joyful and meaningful way. She completed her yoga training in 2016 and developed the YOGIST corporate method in the UK, visiting office buildings, open spaces and conference rooms to advocate the benefits of yoga and mindfulness to stressed office workers.
More recently she's been focussing her practice and teaching on breathwork after completing her facilitation training with Alchemy of Breath.
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Sue Chopping
Sue started practicing yoga 20 years ago after a back injury. Her background is in dance and movement - she was inspired by the unique blend of ‘Shadow Yoga’ which incorporates Hatha Yoga, Tai Chi and Dance. Sue has studied Vinyasa Flow, Somatic Yoga (the Restorative counterpart of Vinyasa Yoga) Yoga Nidra, Pranayama and Meditation, and SUP (Stand-up Paddle-board) Yoga.
Contact details
Website : https://www.sueyoga.co.uk

SueYen Wan
Sue Yen is a gifted yoga instructor with a diverse international career, now happily based in London. Passionate about optimal health and well-being, she has devoted her life’s work to helping others on their journey of self-healing and empowerment. Taking a class with Sue Yen is a transformative experience, her unique, dynamic approach will not only shift how you practice yoga but leave you feeling uplifted and inspired toward lasting health and vitality. Author of 'Yoga and the 36 Menopause Symptoms,' a holistic guidebook, and a Yoga Teachers’ Trainer.
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Tara Lee
Tara Lee is a Registered Nutritionist and Yoga Teacher. Having taught yoga for more than two decades she realised that a piece was missing when supporting her clients. No matter how well we move our bodies, ultimately we need the right fuel to function optimally.
Tara supports clients who come to see her with a range of symptoms including low energy, digestive issues, diabetes, weight issues, poor sleep, support with plant-based diets and help with pre and post natal nutrition. Tara offers lifestyle and supplement advice in conjunction with nutritional protocols.
Contact details
Email : Taraleeyoga@gmail.com
Website : https://www.taraleeyoga.com/

Tessa Abbott
Tessa initially trained in Ashtanga/ Vinyasa and started teaching adults yoga alongside working in her full time NHS role as a children's physiotherapist. Tessa has since completed a 60-hour Foundation to Yoga Therapy training with Teen Yoga and a 50 hour children's yoga and mindfulness course for ages 2-11. This course was pure magic, inspiring Tessa to bring creativity, curiosity and play to her yoga teaching. Tessa is passionate about making these classes fun and accessible, encouraging children to feel confident within themselves and their physical capabilities, enabling autonomy and decision making and introducing simple mindfulness and breathing techniques from a young age.
Contact details
Website : https://www.tessaphysioyoga.co.uk/about
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/tessaphysioyoga/

Tracy Friend
Tracy Friend is a leading spiritual teacher and one to one coach whose pioneering approach has touched thousands of people’s lives internationally over the last 22 years. Her teachings benefit from extensive knowledge and experience of different spiritual paths including insight meditation, non-duality teachings, traditional Chinese medicine, yoga, qigong and the Law of Attraction. She is co-founder of the Law of Attraction Centre and founder of Liberating the Heart.
Tracy ‘walks her talk’ with her work being a natural expression of her in-depth and extensive spiritual practice and study. She views spirituality as a deep inner calling to fulfil our highest potential in this lifetime of moving from the dualistic experience of life of the separate self to the oneness of knowing our interconnection with the world.
Tracy awakened to her true nature in December 2018 on an insight meditation retreat after over 10,000 hours of meditation practice. After she experienced the falling away of the separate self, suffering reduced dramatically and it felt like and continues to feel like emotions, thoughts and sensations arise in an infinite space.
She teaches the Law of Attraction, yoga and qigong to help people to create a life that is an expression of their soul and she teaches meditation techniques to help people to awaken more deeply to their true nature. Tracy holds a first class honours degree in Psychology. She has participated in over 35 residential silent meditation retreats in the UK, Malaysia, Nepal and India. She is a qualified meditation teacher, reflexologist, Chinese medicine herbalist, yoga teacher, therapeutic yoga consultant and qigong teacher.
Contact details
Website : https://www.lawofattractioncentre.com/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/law_of_attraction_centre/

Vanessa Arkell
For Vanessa, the essence of Pilates is being present: in and with the body,
in both her teaching and self-practice. Vanessa loves working closely with people, helping them to connect with their body, optimize their movement and work towards their full potential. Embracing the Pilates mind/body concept, Vanessa’s classes are holistic. She brings a sense of fun and warmth to her classes and the way she connects with clients centres on both their physical strength and mental clarity. People leave her classes feeling more energized and centred, with increased inner strength and an enhanced sense of wellbeing.
Always inspired and motivated by the benefits of Pilates and ever curious to expand her knowledge, Vanessa is committed to on-going professional development and her teaching and practice continue to evolve.
Vanessa completed her teacher training with Anoushka Boone at Pilates in Motion Studio and her philosophy and practical methods cover both classical and evolved approaches to the Pilates Method.
Vanessa is a member of The Society for the Pilates Method (SPM), holds a CYQ Level 3 Diploma in Teaching Pilates and is a member of the Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs)
Contact details

Zhozeh Zarrindast
Zhozeh has been practicing yoga for 16 years and lives by the theory; she practices what she teaches, and teaches what she practices. She has adopted an infusion of Scaravelli and Yoga as therapy to bring awareness to the beauty of subtle approach of the spine and to allow the breath to create the time that is needed to move in and out of Asanas in the way it accommodates the body and creates softness in the mind. She brings in the Moon phase / Mother Earth / Water & Fire Elements into each practice to help connect beyond the physical body and being, resulting in a sweetness and simplicity. Safe alignment is incredibly vital as her students are guided and connected to the teacher within themselves, with Love and Respect.
Contact details