All night gong bath ritual - gong puja


Schedule & Booking

  • Date: 21/09/2024
  • Teacher: Charlie Merton & Raimonda Richards
  • Price: £120.00

All night gong starts Saturday 21st September 10pm and ends on Sunday 22nd September morning 7am

Early bird price of £100 till 14th September and £120 thereafter

Book Workshop

Join Charlie Merton & Raimonda Richard’s for a special gong puja (all night gong bath ritual) to honour and celebrate the solar gateway of the autumnal equinox. You will experience a whole evening of sacred gong tones and healing vibrations. Gong Pujas are considered beautifully sacred and transformational.

A Gong Puja is a very unique and expansive experience, its effects can be felt for a number of days afterwards. Particularly potent when times with the solar gateways. The quarter days of equinox’s & solstices hold a lot of power, the Autumn Equinox is known and honoured as Sharad Sampat in the yogic tradition. The timing of the Equinox is just a few days after the Pisces Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse. Equinox literally means ‘equal night’. It’s a time of balance in the wheel of the year. We are on the threshold of moving deeper into darkness now, as we the Earth will tip on her axis away from the sun (at least here in the northern hemisphere) - at this point of equinox the Earth is at 0 degrees in relation to the sun.
The descent of the Sun in the sky and the movement towards winter is a time when we start to shed what’s no longer needed so that we may rest more fully in the darkness which facilitates new growth. The symphony of gong sounds will facilitate a transformational journey to support this solar gateway transition.

The gong puja begins at 10pm and will finish at 6.30am on 21st and then we will ground, chat and offer chai. We are restricting the numbers to 20 to allow for space in the room.

What is a gong puja?
Both Charlie & Raimonda are experienced gong players and suave holders who trained with grand gong master Don Conreaux, he states that a Gong Puja is a devotional ritual which honors and allows space for participants to heal in mind, body and spirit. Typically, it lasts the duration of 10 sessions of 45 minute gong baths, which is 7.5 hours. The gong, in itself, facilitates self-healing. It helps us get into a place of divine connection.

Benefits of a gong puja
“During a gong puja, you reap the benefits of a regular gong bath tenfold. Immersing in the sound vibrations of a gong can create opportunities to repair, rebuild, unlock and unblock. It helps to release mental, emotional and physical issues. As we hover in a theta state of deep restfulness and mental awareness, you may experience a deep sense of peace and well-being. A gong puja can increase one's energy and vitality. Participants have reported waking up refreshed and ready to face the day even if they did not sleep through the night.”

The studio will have some blankets and bolsters however for your own comfort, it is recommended that you bring a few things:

* a camping mat for extra padding and comfort laying down
* pillows
* warm layers of clothes (cosy PJ’s or Onsies can be helpful) including
* sleeping bag/extra blankets or even a quilt!
* closable bottle for water AND closable flask for tea/warm drinks