Envision Your Ideal Year 2025 with the Law of Attraction and Meditation


Schedule & Booking

  • Date: 01/01/2025
  • Teacher: Tracy Friend
  • Price: £50.00

Wednesday 1st January 2025

2pm - 5pm

Book Workshop

This special New Year’s Day event provides an opportunity to pause at the start of the new year, reflect and set your 2025 Intentions.

In a calm, friendly space with like-minded people this event will assist you with going within to tap into your heart’s desire of how you would like to feel, what is meaningful to you and what you would like to experience in 2025.

Tracy Friend will share powerful Law of Attraction written practices and meditation to help you transform your thoughts and beliefs to manifest your New Year intentions and come into greater connection with your True Self. There will also be the chance to reflect on everything that you appreciate from the last year which assists with creating a positive state of mind for moving into the New Year.

During this Event you will:

• Envision your Ideal 2025

• Learn powerful practices that can be done on a daily basis to Create Your Year

• Discover how to move beyond any limiting beliefs

• Meet and connect with like-minded people

• Enjoy group meditation to connect more deeply with your True Self

• Take some time out in a friendly and uplifting atmosphere

• This event includes printed Law of Attraction exercises

This event is suitable for you whether you are new to the Law of Attraction principles and meditation, or you have been applying them for longer.

Please note that it is necessary to be aged 18 years or older to attend this event.


Tracy Friend is a leading spiritual teacher and one to one coach whose pioneering approach has touched thousands of people’s lives internationally. Her teachings benefit from extensive knowledge and experience of different spiritual paths including insight meditation, non-duality teachings and the Law of Attraction.

She is co-founder of the Law of Attraction Centre and founder of Liberating the Heart. Tracy hosts regular groups, workshops, seminars and retreats. She specialises in helping people to create the life they want in addition to awakening to their true nature.

Tracy holds a first class honours degree in Psychology from the University of Bristol and she has extensive knowledge of meditation with her having participated in over 35 residential silent meditation retreats in the UK and Asia. She is also a qualified reflexologist, yoga teacher, therapeutic yoga consultant and qigong teacher.