Nourish & Rejuvenate - Winter Tea Ceremony, Qigong & Meditation


Schedule & Booking

  • Date: 07/12/2024
  • Teacher: Tracy Friend
  • Price: £28.00

Saturday 7th December

1.45pm - 3.15pm

Book Workshop

At this special ‘Nourish & Rejuvenate’ Winter event you will learn powerful yet gentle qigong practices to assist with nurturing your body and mind, finding stillness and connecting with your true self.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the winter season is associated with our kidneys and the Water element. As nature rests, is in a state of quietude and the energy of plants returns to the roots, similarly Traditional Chinese medicine explains that our energy moves inwards and is stored in our Kidneys, the storehouse of our life force energy.

With the serenity of nature with frozen lakes and snow covered fields, we can harmonise with the Yin energy of winter through slowing down, inner silence, gentle energetic practices and reflection. By aligning with the winter energy we can enhance our inner awareness and nourish and rejuvenate our body and mind.

‘Peace, happiness and joy is possible during the time I drink my tea.’ Thich Nhat Hanh

Tea has long been associated with meditation and there will be the chance to reflect and set intentions at the calming, meditative tea ceremony with ceremonial grade matcha green tea. Chamomile tea will also be available.

Benefits of Attending this Event:


- Experience qigong movements that bring greater peace of mind and well-being

- Learn ways to live in harmony with nature

- Have an opportunity to reflect and relax at the tea ceremony

- Discover practices to balance and enhance your energy that can be done on a daily basis

- Learn about subtle energy and how it relates to awakening more deeply to your true nature

- Enjoy meditative time with like-minded people

Please note that the movements are gentle and it isn’t necessary to be physically flexible to attend. This event is suitable for you whether you are new to qigong and meditation or you have more experience with them.