Cranio-Sacral Therapy with Sally Christ
Craniosacral therapy is a gentle treatment that aims to bring your health and wellbeing into balance and enhance your vitality by using light touch.

Schedule & Booking
Sally Christ - Notting Hill
- Tuesdays 9.30am - 12.30pm
- Sundays 2.30pm - 6.30pm
- 60 mins - £110
- Contact our reception team on 0207 221 4602 to book an appointment
Craniosacral therapy is a light touch treatment where the therapist listens to the body at a deep level by tuning into the the rhythm of the craniosacral system. This system comprises the membranes and fluids within the skull and spinal cord. The touch and deep listening of the therapist relaxes all the body systems and significantly calms the nervous system. The therapist will pay particular attention to the balance and pattern of the whole musculo-skeletal system and movement of the cranial bones, the flow of fluids, the fascial and muscular restrictions, the cranial sacral rhythm of the cerebrospinal fluid, and emotional holding and expression in the chakras and tissues of the body. It is an ideal treatment for anyone suffering from stress and anxiety, sleeplessness, trauma, shock, emotional times such as during divorce, bereavement, redundancy or simply in need of deep relaxation.
Clients will often report feeling slightly sleepily lightheaded during a treatment and falling into a deep deep place of relaxation, a sense of time feeling different, colours seen, nervous system releasing creating twitches in the body and spontaneous movement, deep sighing as the body releases and reorganises. Following treatment clients may feel tired for a time as the body continues to process the treatment over the next couple of days.
The therapist is creating the space into which the body can deeply let go of tension and begin to reorganise and repair, calming inflammation, anxiety, lifting depression, relieving joint and muscular pain, helping relieve tension and headaches, and bring the body back to a sense of equilibrium. For longstanding problems clients should expect to have regular treatments to build each week towards a resolution. Regular treatments also help people feel calm, grounded and centred for dealing with their busy lives.
This treatment is not suitable in the first trimester of the pregnancy.