Acupuncture & Chinese Herbs with Dr Gang Zhu

Schedule & Booking
Gang Zhu - Notting Hill
- First Appointment - 45 mins £120
- Follow up - 30 mins £80
- To book please call reception on 0207 2214602 or email
Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine sterile needles to clear blockages in the meridians of the body.
It is based on the principles of Chinese medicine, which assert that the life force (Chi) flows through the twelve meridians of the body. Each meridian is associated with a particular body system or organ. Sluggish or blocked meridians give rise to health problems and imbalance.

Dr Gang Zhu is a graduate of the Nanjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1982. In 1986, he obtained a post-graduate degree (Master of Medicine) from the Shanghai university of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Dr Zhu has over 20 years of clinical experience in China, Stri Lanka and the UK (including 4 years as an orthopaedic surgeon before he left China). He is one of the editors of "The Encyclopaedia of Secret Recipes of Traditional Chinese Medicine" and is the author of several leading papers published in The Chinese Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Dr Gang Zhu's work has received a lot of coverage in various newspapers includin The times, The Independent, The Mirror, Mail and Traveller Magazine. He has also appreared on various television prgrammes on BBC1, Sky TV and Channel 5. Dr Gang Zhu was named three times by The Evening Standard "one of the best acupuncturists and Chinese Medicine doctors" in 1994, 1997 and 2002.
Dr Gang Zhu has had great success in treating infertility, maternity, easybirth (including turning breech babies), menopause, PMT, fatty liver, IBS, Chronic fatigue, hayfever, skin conditions and various types of pain.
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