Hypnotherapy with Helen Craven
Hypnotherapy enables one to access and utilise the power of the unconscious mind in order to overcome problems, make changes and achieve goals.

Schedule & Booking
Helen Craven - Notting Hill
- Wednesdays 5.30pm - 8.30pm
- Fist appointment 90mins - £140
- Follow up 60 mins - £110
- Smoking Cessation - 2 sessions, 90 minutes & 1 hour £280
- For bookings please call reception on 0207 221 4602 or email nottinghill@thelifecentre.com
Hypnotherapy works with the part of us that controls our behaviour, including unwanted patterns, fears, phobias and internal discords - the subconscious mind.
Hypnotherapy is a wonderful exploration of ourselves, bringing the realisation of how we can change what we no longer want in our lives and enhance what we do want. The work is done gently and safely, with the potential for significant and lasting beneficial change.
There are numerous tried and tested methods which Helen brings in, as appropriate, for the individual client and their expressed needs. The efficacy is amplified by teaching self-hypnosis.
- Hypnotherapy 5 PATH (3-5 sessions) — 80 mins - £110
- Hypnotherapy for smokers (2 sessions) — 80 mins - £260 for both sessions
- Self-hypnosis sessions 7 PATH — 60 mins
- The Balance Procedure — 60 mins - £100
The Balance Procedure
A powerful, unique energy procedure to relax and balance the mind, body and spirit. Combining ancient philosophy with modern quantum science, this powerful life-long self-help process can heighten your awareness of how you are creating your world.