Deep Body Massage for Woman - Meditation in Touch with Sophie Benge

Schedule & Booking
Sophie Benge - Notting Hill
- Availability on request
- 90 minutes: £135
- 60 minutes: £100
- For bookings contact: 07951056609
- The treatment is given on mats on the floor
This oil massage is a sensorial journey, where I move slowly and sensitively round your abdomen, up through your chest, shoulders, neck and head to release tension and restore your energy flow. While I travel with flowing movements around these areas, the poetry varies each time, because in essence, this is a meditative exchange between us both.
In our touch-deprived world, our bodies, that store so much, yearn to be heard just as we do. When they are met with no agenda other than loving attention, they feel safe to surrender emotionally and spiritually too.
The best way to describe Meditation in Touch is to hear from women who’ve experienced it:
"More than a massage; it went deeper somehow."
"Your love and healing energy brought me to a new place."
"I felt your presence right to the end of your fingers."
"This transported me to another world. It took me away from everything."
"Like a mother-daughter relationship: I was your daughter being taken care of."
"A dialogue with beautiful movements, rhythms and transitions."
"A massage for the soul."
“Sophie’s soft and deep touch was like a warm stream of water, replenishing my body. Slow and yet deep, the belly massage felt extremely pleasant.”
Sophie has been a journalist, author and consultant in international wellness for 25 years. More recently she has been working with women to help us reconnect with our feminine nature. Meditation in Touch is an approach created by Louka Leppard over 25 years, with a specific series designed for Sophie in line with her wish to help women hear our body’s wisdom, offering us a little window to return to wholeness.