Lymphatic drainage, Sports & Therapeutic Massage with Paul Drinkwater

Schedule & Booking
Paul Drinkwater - Notting Hill
- Friday, 13.00-17.00
- Saturday, 14.30-18.30
- 1hr - £90
- 90mins - £130
- 30mins - £47
- Paul's treatments can be booked online or alternatively phone our reception team on 0207 221 4602
Therapeutic Massage
A relaxing, total body massage by which stress and tension stored in the body are released through a variety of effective manipulation techniques.
Therapeutic massage can be used to reduce pain from injuries and chronic pain conditions and restore health and balance to the person in a holistic sense.
Lymphatic Drainage Massage
This is an extremely light, repetitive hands-on treatment that re-energises the lymphatic system to expel toxins from the body.
Skin is massaged across and along pathways to increase the flow of the lymphatic system, correcting any excess of fluid within the body tissues. During and after pregnancy it alleviates fluid congestion, reduces stretch marks and helps with tired legs, back pain and other aches and pains.
Sports massage
The muscle balancing techniques and remedial exercises of this therapy provide an important aspect to the posture, strength, and balance of the skeletal alignment and the patterns of the movement.
Sports massage is treatment related to those practicing sports/physical activities. It can be treated as part of a sports programme or to aid an injury. The massage can be with or without oil or within the Thai/Tui na forms of massage.
Tui na is a form of Chinese massage that has developed from a range of specific hand techniques and conducted through clothing. These techniques aim to balance the energy patterns of the body that may have been disrupted. General symptoms of the neck and shoulders are good examples that are helped by Tui na.
Tui-na/indian head massage
Related to Acupuncture, whereby pressure is applied in varying degrees to the body, Tui-na removes blockages to the flow of energy, thus restoring balance, boosting the immune system and aleviating many common ailments.
Tui na is a form of Chinese massage that has developed from a range of specific hand techniques and conducted through clothing. These techniques aim to balance the energy patterns of the body that may have been disrupted. General symptoms of the neck and shoulders are good examples that are helped by Tui na.